Did you know that mandalas were originally born as a way to satisfy the human\ndesire to represent the unrepresentable? The word ‘mandala’ originates from\nSanskrit and means ‘circle’ or ‘wheel. Amidst these beautiful geometric shapes and\nvibrant colors that captivate us today| lie some of the most fundamental questions\nof human existence about our place in the universe| our relationship with divinity.\nbeauty into your spaces| allowing you to connect with your spirituality and well being\n-Material: 100% recyclable vinyl.\n-Thickness: 3 mm.\n-Easy to clean.\n-Waterproof\n-Infused with copper nanoparticles for antimicrobial properties.\n-Printed with cutting-edge technology.\n-Anti-slip treatment.\n-Suitable for both indoor and outdoor spaces.\n-No installation required.\n\n-Certified under Microbial Limited Test ISO 846-1997 method C.\n-You can easily clean\namount of a delicate soap. (Do not bleach).\n-Measurements: Available in 7 measures.

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